Archive for the ‘Argentina’ Category

#1016 Argentine Antarctica 15/11/09

Argentina 151109This stunning cover from the Argentine Antarctica was arranged by Wolfgang and sent by Roberto, thank you very much!

The cover was delivered via Marambio Base with a DHC-6 Twin Otter airplane.

The top stamp is part of the mini-sheet, which commemorates the 50th anniversary of Operación 90, which was the first Argentine ground expedition to the South Pole in 1965. The mini-sheet was issued on March 9, 2015.

#881 Argentina 14/12/19

Argentine 141219Wolfgang has sent this very nice cover from Argentina, thank you! It was posted in Ushuaia on December 19, 2014 and arrived on January 5, 2015. Ushuaia is regarded as the southernmost city of the world, which is stated on the postmarks as well: “La ciudad mas Austral del Mundo”.

The two stamps on the left are part of a set, which was issued on January 20, 2014. The second stamp (issued on November 30, 2013) commemorates the 200th anniversary of the Argentine National Anthem.

The next two stamps commemorate the 110th anniversary of Argentinian presence in Antarctica. It was issued on March 25, 2014. The green stamp below is part of the set “Argentine Culture”, which was issued on August 30, 2000. It depicts a basket of the Mbayá people.

#816 Argentina 14/05/19

Argentina 140519This nice cover from Argentina was sent by Tomas, thank you! It was posted in Villa La Angostura on May 19 and arrived on May 26, 2014.

The stamp set was issued on March 5, 2014. It is the UPAEP issue and commemorates Hugo Chávez (1954-2013).

#673 Argentina 11/10/05

Thank you, Viviana, for sending this beautiful letter from Argentina! It was posted in Buenos Aires on October 5, 2011.

The cover is a first day envelope fitting the attached stamp set, which commemorates four popular festivals of Argentina: The National Beer Festival/Oktoberfest, the National Tea Festival, the National Horse Festival, and the Fair of the Foreign Communities. The stamp set was issued on September 10, 2011.

See also: #494 Argentina 11/04/08

#494 Argentina 11/04/08

Thank you, Viviana, for sending this nice cover! It was posted in Buenos Aires on April 8 and arrived on April 19, 2011.

The stamp set on the left commemorate the shells Trophon geversianus, Epitonium fabrizioi, Odontocymbiola magellanica, Calliostoma militaris. The stamps were issued on August 23, 2008.

The right stamp commemorates the Argentinan newspaper “El Cronista”.

The bottom stamp was issued on September 27, 2008. It is the UPAEP (Unión Postal de las Américas, España y Portugal, more info here) stamp and commemorates Argentina’s National Flower Festival. It depicts the flowers Gerbera, Gardenia, and Rose.

Argentina 2008/03/20

Registered cover from Argentina, posted in Buenos Aires on March 20, 2008.

The stamps depict several artefacts of Pre-Columbian cultures. The left stamp shows a death mask of the Tafí culture, the middle stamp depicts a ceremonial axe of the Santa María culture, and the right stamp shows ceremonial clothing of the Puna region in Argentina.