Archive for the ‘Eswatini (Swaziland)’ Category

#966 Swaziland 15/08/07

Swaziland 150807This very nice registered cover from Swaziland was sent by Wolfgang, thank you very much! It was posted in Manzini on August 7 and arrived on August 26, 2015.

The two stamps on the left are part of the “Butterflies” set. They depict the Queen Purple Tip (Colotis regina) and the Natal Barred Blue (Spindasis natalensis).

The top right stamp is part of the set “Postal History”, which was issued on May 8, 2006. It depicts a post office in Manzini in the 1920s.

The bottom right stamp depicts “King Mswati III delivering his first speech”.

#804 Swaziland 14/06/04

Swaziland 140604On June 26 I received this very nice cover from Swaziland. It was cancelled in Mbabane on June 4, 2014, with the help of the Swaziland philatelic bureau, thank you!

The stamps are part of the set “Trees of Swaziland”, which was issued on January 23, 2007. They commemorate the African teak (Pterocarpus angolensis), the sausage tree (Kigelia africana), the Natal Mahagony (Trichilia emetica), and the Red Ivory (Berchemia zeyheri).